Monday, December 7, 2009


After 3 months in Spain, I've finally returned to the U.S. - a short weekend in California, and I'm back in cold, snowy Denver. While the weather isn't the best at the moment, I really did miss this city, and more importantly the people.


Archived : Lleida

December 1, 2009 : Just spent a week in Lleida, visiting photographer and iStock Inspector Joan Vicent Cantó. Joan and his wife were amazing hosts, showing me around their city and really going out of their way to make me feel welcomed.

We even took a day trip to Barcelona where we met up with more friends and iStockers, Mercè, Xavier, Eva and Pepe, to name a few.

While my Spanish may be bad, my Catalan is non-existent.. still we all managed to communicate and have a good time!

Here's Joan with one of his more famous models:

studio photographer

Archived: San Sebastian

November 23, 2009 : Agur San Sebastian! Agur Pais Vasco!

San Sebastian

Archived : Mundaka

November 22, 2009 : After a weekend partying in Santander, spent some time in Mundaka, Vizcaya. Peaceful and relaxing, there wasn't much surf so I wandered around shooting photos of the town and estuary.

The swell forecast called for waves later in the week, so I extended the trip a bit and scored on my last day - overhead and offshore. The crowd was thick in the morning, but by afternoon, most had gone home. Ended up surfing one of the world's best waves with about 10 other people. Amazing..


Archived : River Surfing

November 5, 2009 : Surfers waiting on a wave in San Sebastian's Rio Urumea. The swell was so big, waves were breaking upstream in the middle of the city.

river surfing

Archived : Longboarding

November 2, 2009 : Allan

Here's my friend Allan, surfing a smaller day at San Sebastian's Playa Zurriola.


Archived : Delft

October 26, 2009 : Just got back from a week in Delft, the Netherlands, visiting photographer and fellow iStock Inspector Ivar Teunissen. Had a great time checking out the town, going to parties, and meeting tons of cool fun people.

Made it up to Amsterdam, of course, where we played with the new Canon 7D on a small video shoot for a local DJ group.

Ivar with model Starla:

Ivar & Starla