Monday, August 11, 2008


Spent a few days at the Denver Post Underground Music Showcase, listening to tons of bands at a bunch of venues along Denver's lower Broadway. Even shot a few photos.. check out the flickr stream. Of course, there were a ton of other photographers there, all being far more prolific than I ever am at these events.

dpmus dpmus dpmus

Thursday, August 7, 2008


So I've started this temporary gig - moonlighting as a photo editor for The Donnybrook Writing Academy. It's a fun, sophisticated, tongue-in-cheek blog covering music and society here in the Denver area. Personally I think they're ready to go national.

Inspecting, processing, shooting (occasionally), and now editing - let's see how long I can keep up this pace.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Denver Post

It's always nice to see your images in print, especially as a stock photographer. This morning I opened the paper to check out a friend's shots - she'd had quite a few images featured with a story. Funny that I should run across one of my own; comedian Ben Kronberg is in town and the Denver Post ran a story on him.